EEA Complaints Handling Process

Complaints Handling Process

Once we have received your complaint, we undertake to try to acknowledge and resolve it within 14 days and provide a written answer to confirm this. In the case that we have not been able to resolve your complaint within that period of time, we will write to you providing an explanation for the delay and an estimate on when we expect to be able to respond fully to your complaint.

If you're not happy with the decision

If you feel that we have not been able to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, you may have the right (subject to eligibility) to complain to the National Board for Consumer Complaints (Allmänna reklamationsnämnden)

Allmänna reklamationsnämnden (ARN):

Tel: +46 (0)8 508 860 00
Box 174
101 23 Stockholm

Business Type Phone / Switchboard
MGA Underwriting +46 488 686 480

Trading Names of Nordic

Phone / Switchboard Email
Pen Underwriting +46 488 686 480
Ptarmigan Underwriting

Manchester Underwriting

Management Europe
Trafalgar Marine Trades Europe
BMM Ports & Terminals Europe
Fortify Marine Europe
Freeboard Maritime Europe
Vessel Protect Europe

Other advice

If you'd like to discuss your case with an independent third party, you may find additional help and guidance through , for insurance related issues and/or the relevant municipal consumer guidance organisation.

If you have purchased the service online

The European Commission has established an Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR Platform) that is specifically designed to help EU consumers who have bought goods or services online from a trader based elsewhere in the EU and subsequently has a problem with that online purchase. The ODR platform will refer your complaint to the appropriate country adjudication service.